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Sunday, March 9, 2014

Kalydeco: What is the whole story?

The other night I caught a little foreign film in which the woman protagonist was one difficult lady to love. She had a young niece who was also damn difficult. Thrown into the mix was a boyfriend who had his own little, and so little, quirks. The movie ended on an upbeat note but with such a convoluted story it was difficult to know how all would play out in the end.

Sun Media is using the story to attack Ontario Liberals.
Now take the news. Everyday we read, hear and watch stories reported in the media. They are usually good tales with strong, neat story lines. Maybe too neat. I often have the feeling there is more to these stories than we are being told. Life is depicted by the media more as bad fiction than rich reality.

Take the story of the young Ontario girl taking the very expensive Kalydeco (ivacaftor) to treat a rare form of cystic fibrosis (CF). Sun Media reports it costs $348,000 annually in Canada for this unique drug. This is completely out of the financial reach of most people. At this point, the Ontario government is refusing to assist this young girl and her family as they struggle to cope with this massive expense.

The government has stated that it would like to help and to this end it and a number of other Canadian provinces are in negotiations with Vertex, the maker of the drug. At this point, the company and the provincial drug consortium in Ontario are at loggerheads over the price of the drug which is perceived by many to be outrageously expensive.

The kicker in this is that the genetic variation of CF the drug treats is rare. It is so rare that only about 20 people in the province would be helped by taking Kalydeco. The entire cost to the province would be less than $8 million.

Read the story at news.com.au.
What has the mainstream media left unsaid? Well to start, it is not just bureaucrats in Ontario balking when confronting the high cost of the Vertex drug. Health care bureaucrats around the world have choked when confronting the high cost.

A story similar to the one being played out in Ontario made headlines across Australia. Ellie Haikalis has the type of cystic fibrosis controlled by Kalydeco. Unfortunately, her family cannot afford the treatment and the Australian government refused to assist them.

Her mother, Rachelle, told the media  she and her husband had discussed selling their home but realized that even taking that drastic action would not raise the money demanded by the drug maker.

Almost thirty concerned American doctors banned together to pen a letter to Vertex. They wrote:

It is at best unseemly for Vertex to charge our patient's insurance plans (including strapped state medical assistance plans), $294,000 annually for two pills a day . . . This action could appear to be leveraging pain and suffering into huge financial gain for speculators, some of whom were your top executives who reportedly made millions of dollars in a single day (Boston Globe, May 29).

The dispute over the cost of Kalydeco is just one skirmish in a larger, ongoing war being fought in numerous countries scattered across the globe. But the Kalydeco story on its own is a good one. Many see the price charged for this drug as "unconscionable."

Read the fine Milwaukee-Wisconsin Journal Sentinel story.
A story in Medpage Today, Cystic Fibrosis: Charity and Industry Partner for Profit, points out Vertex developed ivacaftor (Kalydeco) "with the help of a $75 million investment from the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation -- as well as a hefty investment from taxpayers through grants from the National Institute of Health which underwrote the cost of early research."

It isn't just Yanks who have some skin in this game. There are Canadians at the table too, such as Lap-Chee Tsui and John R. Riordan of the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto. The two research scientists, along with Francis Collins of the University of Michigan, led a team isolating the gene responsible for cystic fibrosis. Medical breakthroughs do not occur in a research vacuum.

On the upside, the drug cost isn't out of sight for everyone. Ian Smith, Vertex executive vice president and chief financial officer, exercised stock options to gross more than $60 million in one day, according to the Milwaukee-Wisconsin Journal Sentinel.

If Smith had the type of CF in question, he could live to be a hundred and never experience any difficulty in paying for his supply of Kalydeco thanks to his after tax profits from just that one day.

Of course, Smith does not have CF. The millionaire has no reason to worry. He can breath easy.

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Comparing apples to oranges

Jonathan Sher, a Sun Media investigative reporter working for the chain's London, Ontario, newspaper has filed another story in a series examining health care in Ontario: Health ministry data on hospital overcrowding riddled with errors. From the tone of Sher's past articles and the frequent positive references he has made to the American health care system, one might surmise Sher is no fan of Canadian single-payer health care.

Sher, who may have been born an American citizen, is one bright fellow. After graduating from the University of Virginia with a B.A in history and foreign affairs he went on to earn his Doctor of Law from the University of Southern California in 1992. It has been reported he is a member of the New York State bar association. With his strong background in law, Sher knows how to build a strong argument.

I believe it is safe to say that when Sher slides an apples and oranges comparison into a story he does so knowing full well what he is doing.
Sher tells Sun Media readers:

Ontario has 2.4 hospital beds for every 1,000 residents, less than half the European average. Of 39 countries compared by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, only three had fewer hospital beds: Mexico, India and Indonesia. 

This is not the first time that Sher has compared a Canadian province with the entire continent of Europe. He goes on to compare Ontario with 39 countries in an Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development list. I addressed this debating trick in an earlier post: Hospitals too full to be safe? Not in London, Ontario.

As I wrote in the earlier post:

Let's try comparing apples to apples: countries to countries. According to the most recent numbers released by The World Bank, Canada has 3.2 beds per 1000 people. Both The United States and Britain have a smidgen less at 3.0 beds per 1000. Sweden fared even worse with only 2.7 beds.

According to the newspaper article, Ontario has only 2.4 hospital beds per 1000. It sounds bad and it is bad but Ontario cannot lay claim to the worst numbers on the continent. For lower numbers look south. Ontario has more beds than almost 40% of the American states according to The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation. Oregon only has 1.8 beds per 1000 and California, Hawaii and Vermont have numbers that are little better.

Kudos to Sher for discovering that the overcrowding data compiled by the province had serious errors. Good work. (Here is a second link to the story.)

Overcrowding of hospitals is a serious global problem and not unique to Ontario. Many industrialized countries do attempt to keep occupancy rates at or below 85 percent, just as Sher claims. And many, many hospitals throughout the industrialized world fail at the attempt.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Cuts hammering journalists

The headline warns "Cuts hammering elderly." Oddly, the online picture accompanying the story shows a happy senior being patiently spoon-fed by a caring health care worker.

The image is jarringly inappropriate and, no surprise, it is phony. It is a staged, stock photo image — stock photos are cheap but they are not journalism. I'd say cuts are hammering journalists, too.

Recently I briefly traded tweets with a local reporter who was offended when I called the balance in one of his stories "faux."

I not only stand by my previous comments but I'd like to expand upon them. The media in general, it is not just the local paper, all too often seem to believe that a story is not complete until it is balanced. They believe this until the cost of balance, either in time or money, is deemed too high.

Which brings us to today's article. My guess is the journalist was instructed to write a story on the report "Pushed Out of Hospital, Abandoned at Home" released by the Ontario Association of Speech-language Pathologists and Audiologists (OSLA) and the Ontario Council of Hospital Unions (OCHU).

Before continuing, I want to make one thing clear: I am not claiming the report is error-filled. I am simply saying that a story as inflammatory as this one demands context, demands balance. How does what is happening in Ontario compare to what is taking place outside the province? Are these local problems or are they endemic in the health care approach embraced in a multitude of places?

For instance, the report by the unionized hospital workers and some therapists tells us "one in six patients has an unplanned readmission within 30 days." My response is to ask, "How does this compare to the readmission rate for seniors in other localities?"

A little searching discovers a report, The Revolving Door, on readmissions in the United States. This American report tells us:

The U.S. health care system suffers from a chronic malady — the revolving door syndrome at its hospitals. It is so bad that the federal government says one in five elderly patients is back in the hospital within 30 days of leaving.

Where this all gets interesting is newspaper report places the blame on underfunding. The answer from the union et al. is simple: Throw money at the problem. But the U.S. report puts the blame on its badly fragmented health care system. According to the American report, if patients get the right care the first time many return trips are prevented. Done properly, this costs less money, much less money, not more.

According to The Revolving Door report out of the U.S.:

The [U.S.] federal government has pegged the cost of readmissions for Medicare patients alone at $26 billion annually, and says more than $17 billion of it pays for return trips that need not happen if patients get the right care. This is one reason the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services has identified avoidable readmissions as one of the leading problems facing the U.S. health care system and now penalizes hospitals with high rates of readmissions for their heart failure, heart attack, and pneumonia patients.

As a senior, in what I hope is just the early stages of congestive heart failure, I read the news report with great personal interest but I was left with more questions than answers. I know the reporter who wrote The Free Press piece and I am sure that that reporter was also left with lots of unanswered questions. Sadly, neither the reporter's questions nor mine will be answered. I blame cutbacks, newsroom cutbacks.

Take the congestive heart failure example. I keep returning to CHF because the news story told of a patient with CHF who was sent home after being taken to ER. As there isn't enough information in the newspaper concerning this incident, I read the report itself.

It seems the gentleman in question was 89 at the time he was admitted to the ER suffering from pulmonary edema. The doctor in ER immediately gave the gentleman Ventolin. This is widely accepted as a good first response. The ER doctor then wanted to send the gentleman home but his daughter fought this decision.

In the end she was successful at having her dad admitted to the ICU and given morphine. Morphine is a traditional drug for dealing with pulmonary edema but is falling our of favour. According to University Hospital, Cleveland, morphine is no longer indicated to treat pulmonary edema.

The daughter was happy with the morphine but upset about the Ventolin. I don't believe the daughter is a doctor. I'm not sure how much weight to give to either the daughter's praise or to her criticism of her father's care.

Survival times for those 80 years or older are often measured in months rather than years. The gentleman in question lived to be 94. Clearly, something was being done right for this senior. Cuts did not seem to be hammering his man, at least not until he hit 94. The fellow died after undergoing an gastroscopy during which the doctor apparently perforated his esophagus. He died from an actual medical cut.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

A link to: Le Monde diplomatique

“If you don’t give the people social reform, they will give you social revolution,” Quintin Hogg, a leading light in the Tory party, told the British parliament in 1943.

I read the above in Le Monde diplomatique in a piece by Benjamin Selwyn discussing what he calls "development by the elite for the elite." I can't say I agree whole heartedly with Selwyn but his views counter the capitalist-apologist arguments I often see published in my local paper, The London Free Press.

If interested, here's a link to: The Working Class Does The Job

Follow the above link if you agree that the world’s workers should be paid what they are worth and  countries left to develop free of condescending international meddling.

Friday, February 28, 2014

Capitalism: The best system?

I posted this some time ago. Recent business closures in London, and the responses claiming capitalism is still the best system bar none, have made its reposting appropriate.

"Even Paul McCartney has admitted capitalism is the best system. And he was a big pinko back in the day." [source: Dan Brown of The London Free Press]

I groaned when I read Brown's claims and then I thought this could be a blog post — and it is.

Paul McCartney caused a stir in 1972 with his song "Give Ireland Back to the Irish." The song was banned on the BBC. I'm old enough to recall all sorts of silly stuff being said about the Beatles when they were at their peak, but I don't think Paul McCartney was ever a communist — but that's just my opinion. Go google this and get back to me. I did, and failed to find a solid connection.

But, I don't think McCartney's politics are really relevant. You might say this talk of his being a pinko is a bit of a red herring. The statement in which we're really interested is: "Capitalism is the best system." True or false?

This is a hard one to answer, especially for someone who is not an economist. I'll attempt answer, of sorts, but I'm going to come at the answer sideways. I'm not looking to get deep into an economic or political argument.

My first thought is that when I was young I would have agreed rather quickly with the statement. But with the passing of sixty some years I've changed and it is has not only me that has changed but capitalism. Capitalism today is not the capitalism of my childhood.

I believe the boosters of capitalism would say this is a strength of the capitalist system. It adapts to meet the demands of the day. This sounds good on the surface but what does that mean in reality? Have the changes I have experienced during the passing of some six some decades made capitalism better? If not, maybe the best system was some version of capitalism now adapted out of existence.

My grandfather was born on a farm in Princeton, Ontario. He was an outstanding student and I understand that at his graduation it was said he was the youngest pharmacist in the province of Ontario. It's hard to prove the truth of this statement as he graduated back in the early 1890s. Let's just agree that he was one very bright young man.

On graduation, he went to the States to work for Cunningham Drug Stores. This was an up and coming chain. My grandfather had a chance to get in on the ground floor, make big bucks, but he declined.

He moved back to Canada, to Brantford, Ontario, where he started his own independent neighbourhood drugstore. He didn't get rich but he did have a beautiful wife and he raised a fine family. He never owned a car; he didn't need one as he walked to work. He lived in the type of walkable neighbourhood that is today thought so desirable. It was a different world.

Today, a young man graduating as a pharmacist would have a difficult time starting his own independent corner drugstore. The large chains pretty well control everything in the pharmacy business.

The Cunningham's Drug Store chain, the one my grandfather snubbed, went on to become one of the major players in the American Midwest but a few decades ago it was taken out by another player in the capitalist game. A lot of people lost their jobs.

When I was a boy, my neighbourhood had a least three independent drugstores. Each one employed people in the neighbourhood while providing an important service. There were no big parking lots at any of these stores as big parking lots weren't necessary. Most people walked to these drugstores — even the staff.

I worked for one of those drugstores. It became one of the first Big V pharmacies. Big V was formed by a small group of independent Windsor, Ontario, pharmacists intent on saving the neighbourhood drugstore. A few years ago Big V was taken over by the giant Shoppers Drug Mart chain. In 2013 Shoppers was bought by Loblaws in a deal worth about $12.4B.

Capitalism, the best system? I'm not sure that my grandfather would recognize today's capitalism. And I honestly believe that he would tell you the system under which he started his business, a business that lasted him a lifetime, was better.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Found a neat site featuring documentary films

While searching for something I would have thought was quite unconnected, I discovered a site called Top Documentary Films. I would tell you more but, other than the fact that the posted documentaries are free, I know very little about the site or the videos posted there.

After I have viewed some of the videos, I may reopen this post and add some more information.


Check it out,
Top Documentary Films

For lovers of French

As readers of this blog will know, I've been trying to learn French. Why? One, because I like the language, two because I find TV5, the French television network available on cable, is an excellent source of both movies and documentaries and three because my granddaughter is attending French public school. I wish to support the little girl in her effort to learn another language.

When it comes to reading French, I do fairly well. I often watch French movies and catch the gist of what is being said by turning on the French subtitles for the hearing impaired. Unfortunately, a lot of the newscasts are not subtitled.

What has me truly stymied is understanding spoken French. The words seem to fly by, merging together. To get past this hearing boondoggle, I have been listening to French songs and other sources of spoken French.

For my own education, I have posted a video of the French song Tu Trouveras sung by Natasha St. Pier. I have also posted the lyrics both in French and translated into English with links to the source on the Web. (I would appreciate any suggestions on improving the translations.)

If interested, listen to the song, check out the vocabulary and then take the test posted on Quizlet. Bonne chance! (Good luck!)

Lyrics to Tu Trouveras:                                         Lyrics to You Will Find:

Comme tout le monde j'ai mes défauts                  Like everybody I have my faults
J'ai pas toujours les mots qu'il faut                        I don't always have the right words
Mais si tu lis entre les lignes                                 But if you read between the lines
Tu trouveras dans mes chansons                           You will find in my songs
Tout c'que je n'ai pas su te dire                             All that I don't know how to say to you

Il y a des fautes d'impression                                There are wrong impressions
Des "Je t'aime" un peu brouillon                             Some "I love you's" a little muddle-headed
Malgré mes accords malhabiles                              Inspite of my clumsy chords
Tu trouveras dans mes chansons                            You will find in my songs
Tout ce que je n'ai pas osé te dire                          All that I haven't dared to tell you

Tu trouveras . . .                                                  You will find . . .
Mes blessures et mes faiblesses                             My wounds and my weaknesses
Celles que j'n'avoue qu'à demi-mot                        Those that I only say in a low voice
Mes faux pas mes maladresses                              My slip-ups, my blunders
Et de l'amour plus qu'il n'en faut                             And more love than is necessary
J'ai tellement peur que tu me laisses                      I'm so afraid that you are leaving me
Sache que si j'en fais toujours trop                        Know that if I'm always trying too hard
C'est pour qu'un peu tu me restes                          It's to make you stay with me a little
Tu me restes                                                          You stay with me.

Il y en a d'autres que tu aimeras                              There will be some others you will love
Bien plus belles, plus fortes que moi                        More beautiful, much stronger than me

[Je leur laisserai bien sûr la place                            Of course I'll give them my place       
Quand je n'aurai plus dans mes chansons                 When I don't have in my songs
Plus rien à te dire en face                                        Anything else to say in front of you
Le temps vous endurcit de tout                                Time makes you stronger
Des illusions, des mauvais coups]                             From illusions, from hard blows

Si je n'ai pas su te retenir                                        If I didn't known how to retain you
Sache qu'il y a dans mes chansons                            I want you to know that in my songs
Tout c'que je n'ai pas eu le temps de te dire             Is everything I didn't have time to tell

Le temps vous endurcit de tout                               Time makes you strong
Des illusions, des mauvais coups                             From illusions, from bad beats
Si je n'ai pas su te retenir                                        If I wasn't able to make you stay
Sache qu'il y a dans mes chansons                           I want you to know that in my songs
Tout c'que je n'ai pas eu le temps de te dire             Is all I didn't have the time to tell you

{au Refrain: x3}
Tu trouveras . . .                                                  You will find . . .
Mes blessures et mes faiblesses                            My wounds and my weaknesses
Celles que j'n'avoue qu'à demi-mot                        Those that I only say in a low voice
Mes faux pas mes maladresses                                My slip-ups, my blunders
Et de l'amour plus qu'il n'en faut                            And more love than is necessary
J'ai tellement peur que tu me laisses                     I'm so afraid that you are leaving me
Sache que si j'en fais toujours trop                       Know that if I'm always trying too hard
C'est pour qu'un peu tu me restes                         It's to make you stay with me a little
Tu me restes                                                        You stay with me.

[ These are Tu Trouveras lyrics on http://www.lyricsmania.com/ ]

The fable of the plant closure

Once upon a time there was a little widget factory operating in a not-so-little town. The factory made good widgets, not great ones, but they were good quality and the price was right. The business flourished.

The widget factory owner, his wife and all his children flourished. All the widget makers at his widget factory flourished. The little town, which had lots of little factories like this one, flourished. All was good.

Then one day the widget making factory owner was approached by a beautiful temptress. The factory owner fell for her charms and tumbled into bed with her. He had an affair. His wife discovered and she left him. What she didn't leave was her half ownership in the widget factory.

The factory owner had to face the shocking reality that he wasn't the sole owner. He and his estranged wife were co-owners. What was he to do?

The factory owner hired good lawyers -- good for him, bad for his wife. It was soon learned that in another city in a country not all that far, far away there was another widget maker. A greedy widget maker who grew his business by buying other widget factories that, for whatever reason, could be bought for a song.

The big widget maker was known as Mr. Acquisition because he had grown his business into one of the biggest in the entire world by buying one after another competing businesses. He had acquired dozens and dozens and dozens of both small and large widget-making plants.

The little widget factory operating in a not-so-little town was sold to Mr. Acquisition. The money paid was split between the divorcing couple. The husband opened another widget factory, a smaller one, and named it Widget Factory Two. The lawyers fashioned all this so that the cheating husband was able, as they say, to stick it to his wife one last time.

As for Widget Factory One, the little factory operating in a not-so-little town, well Mr. Acquisition continued on his buying spree until his business got too big and too complex. His prices were too high and his quality too low. The value of his company crashed. Mr. Acquisition was forced to close Widget Factory One.

Mr. Acquisition had taken a lot of his profit in shares in his once ever expanding business. This meant that as the share value of his Big Widget Company collapsed he lost millions. He began closing plants all over the world. His grossly inflated business had burst like an overfilled balloon. Workers and shareholders around the world were left, as they say, high and dry.

Mr. Acquisition, in trouble financially, was himself acquired -- or at least what remained of his widget business. But don't worry about Mr. Acquisition. The new owner gave the former owner a handsome golden parachute worth many millions of dollars. As you can tell, it wasn't really a parachute but it was handsome and it was golden and, as they say, two out of three ain't bad.


This little fable was inspired by stories still being played out in the real world.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

There's nothing here. It's just scribbling.

Rainbow by Fiona.

I have been amazed at the art done by granddaughter now four. I really like some of the stuff she has done. But others in the family have not been so kind. I have been mocked for my open enthusiasm. "It's is not art, Ken," I've been told.

The other day Fiona saw a water colour by another young child. Fiona looked at the painting on a large sheet of paper and she shook her head. "There's nothing here," she said. "It's just scribbling."

I shook my head in disbelief.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Hospitals too full to be safe? Not in London, Ontario.

The front page headline warned: " Hospitals too full to be safe." A follow up online story delivered the second punch to the gut: Overloaded wards likely contributing to spread of dangerous superbugs, says head of infection control for London hospitals. On reading the story I was surprised to learn infection rates have not been on the rise generally in London hospitals and in some cases rates have actually declined. A concerted effort at infection control led by Dr. Michael John is credited for the surprisingly good numbers.

Maybe it's just me and my personal bias when it comes to London hospitals and health care in Canada but I thought the newspaper missed the story. Many experts believe hospital acquired infections (HAI) increase when bed occupancy rates climb above 85 percent. Rates in London have surpassed 100 percent at times, and yet there has not been a corresponding increase in HAI rates.

Dr. John revealed to the paper that "beds have been fitted with hygienic liners that can be disposed, new disinfectants kill spores and patients who can’t be isolated are given separate commodes." Chalk up a win for Dr. John and the health care staff in London.

For some reason, the reporter seemed intent on focusing on the shortage of hospital beds. By comparing the number of hospital beds per thousand in Ontario to the average number available in Europe, a huge mix of countries, the reporter made the shortage seem even more dire: A classic "comparing apples and oranges" error.

Let's try comparing apples to apples: countries to countries. According to the most recent numbers released by The World Bank, Canada has 3.2 beds per 1000 people. Both The United States and Britain had a smidgen less at 3.0 beds per 1000. Sweden fared even worse with only 2.7 beds.

There are more than 50 countries listed by The World Bank with fewer beds per 1000 than Canada. Admittedly, for the most part, having bed numbers that are better than these 50 is not a surprise. Still, Canada can take solace in the fact that Norway has only  3.3 beds per 1000 or a mere .1 more beds than Canada. Norway has some excellent health care numbers despite having a low bed number.

According to the newspaper article, Ontario has only 2.4 hospital beds per 1000. It sounds bad and it is bad but Ontario does not sport the worst numbers on the continent. For lower numbers look south. Ontario has more beds than almost 40% of the American states according to The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation. Oregon only has 1.8 beds per 1000 and California, Hawaii and Vermont have numbers that are little better.

A more telling number is the percentage of Americans reporting that in the past 12 months they failed to see a doctor despite needing one because of cost. In some regions of the States the number of people who have stopped seeking medical help despite needing it is more than 1 in 5. That is downright frightening. The link provided takes one to a page with some very conservative numbers.

Researchers with The Commonwealth Fund in the United States calculated a much higher number. 37 percent of Americans in the Commonwealth survey went without recommended health care, not seeing a doctor when ill, or failing to fill prescriptions because of costs.

The number of hospital beds per thousand has been dropping all over the globe for years. As can be seen by the number in London, the medical profession is trying to rise to the challenge, and it is a tough challenge.

Recently I had an ablation procedure performed at University Hospital in London. After being sedated by an anesthetist, a heart specialist threaded thin, flexible wires from my groin up through my body to my heart. The surgeon guided the wires into my heart where heat was used to destroy the heart muscle causing my cardiac problem.

Today this procedure is often done as day surgery. My procedure was done in the morning and I was home for dinner. One way to cut down on hospital acquired infections is to get the patient out of the hospital quickly. My recovery bed was my own.

Are more hospital beds needed? Of course, there's no argument there, and the shortage is neither new nor news. The big story is how well those in the health profession in Canada are delivering some damn fine health care despite facing some pretty daunting problems.

We may be short of beds and our ER departments may take far too long to see all patients, but in the end the important numbers are good. For instance, we live longer, healthier lives than our neighbours to the south.

I tip my hat to the fine Canadian doctors and nurses without whom I would not be here today. I truly owe them my life. Thank you.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

She said, he said: A lame excuse for balance

It was a small post. A reporter at the local paper claimed to have balanced his coverage of a political speech by seeking out and publishing the comments of a well known political adversary of the speaker.

Did the reporter question the speaker's statements? Did the reporter think the claims being made were simply bold-faced political puffery? Why did the reporter not simply report what was said and move on? Considering the source for the alternate point of view, I really don't know the answer. The reporter consulted Joe Fontana, the present Mayor of London, Ontario, a man who needs no introduction, as they say.

In my original post, I called the balance obtained by contacting Fontana an example of faux balance. A more accurate label of what was done might be "she-said-he-said-journalism." How does this work?
  • Take a public statement and create a dispute.
  • Conflicts make news; The created dispute will be newsworthy.
  • Make no attempt to assess validity of claims, claims which are the very essence of the story.
  • The symmetry of two sides provides the necessary faux balance.
And how do reporters respond to criticism like the above? They attack the messenger. Newspaper reporters believe this is good journalism. It is balanced.

Balanced? I am left shaking my head in disbelief.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Faux balance unbalances news stories

Without realizing it, reporter Patrick Maloney made a confession in the daily newspaper. Without grasping the true importance of his words, he admitted that The Free Press committed the common media blunder of faux balance.

It seems that some years ago, feeling the need to balance its coverage of Mayor Anne Marie DeCicco-Best's state of the city address, the daily paper chased down Joe Fontana vacationing out of town in the sunny south. According to Maloney, "Fontana ripped his old rival with unexpected vigour."

Unexpected vigour? Really? Fontana's vitriol-laced words were unexpected? I humbly suggest the newspaper sought out Fontana hoping to get some good quotes, and Fontana delivered.

It is interesting to note that the original story, as posted to the Web, makes no mention that Fontana was chased down by the paper, that he was not even at the event but was instead on vacation. The omission was not for lack of space. Fontana dominates from 40 to 50 percent of the first story, depending upon how one approaches the calculation.

Journalists have forgotten how to report straight-news straight. Faux balance does not add accuracy or objectivity. What it does add is risk, and one of those risks is the risk of being used by the person chosen as a counter-balance. Fontana welcomed the opportunity to grab some front page attention. He criticized his former opponent and took full advantage of the moment to further his own political ambitions.

Personal Twitter attack by the reporter who wrote both stories mentioned in the above post.
Interesting response to my post. What makes it interesting, at least to me, is that it is but another in a long list of rude reactions from a reporter at The London Free Press, the newspaper at which I worked for thirty some years. While working at the paper I was mainly a staff photographer but I also wrote two weekly columns -- one on photography and another, Celebrating the Thames, on the river that flowing through London.

I have kept the letters and e-mails from these journalists but I don't publish them as the writers usually request that I not publish their thoughts on my blog. I respect their wishes. I have attacked financial advisers and others but the only rude responses I have received are from reporters. Other than reporters, I don't recall anyone else attacking me on a personal level. Some of the reporter e-mails have not only been rude in content but rude in form -- written in screaming solid caps in very large, bold fonts.

I have been disappointed by the responses from professional reporters. When I worked at newspapers I believed journalists had thick skins. And they did back in the '70s when I got into the profession. Not so today.

No one working at the paper should be surprised at the tone of my posts. When I saw stuff with which I didn't agree while working at the paper, I was known to walk into the publisher's office or the editor-in-chief's office and voice my disapproval. I vented, they listened and that was it. I was never able to spur anyone into taking any action. (I believe, if asked, Paul Berton, a former editor-in-chief at the Free Press, would confirm this statement.)

Writing a blog is far more satisfying that making futile noises as an employee at a paper. I have had more than 164,000 hits and the number keeps growing. I vent and someone listens and another and then still another. Right now my most popular post has been hit more than 12,500 times.

If you are a journalism junkie, please read the story that inspired my post: London mayor hints at re-election platform with promise to keep taxes at 1% a year and then read the "balanced" story done at the time of Anne Marie DeCicco-Best's state of the city address: Mayor's race replay?

A writer for The Economist's Democracy in America blog wrote:
"Balance is easy and cheap. In political journalism, a vitriolic quote from each side and a punchy headline is all that is needed to feed the news machine."

Seeing the anger my posts generate, I try to be careful when discussing errors made by local journalists. Still, newspapers are too important to be above criticism. I've decided to be careful but at the same time to be true to myself and to continue to openly discuss my unease with some aspects of how the media operates. An open, free media is a pillar of our way of life.

Discussion is called for, not personal insults.

That's not an argument.

I have some friends who like to argue. An evening spent with this group can be expected to deliver at least one example of toe-to-toe of verbal sparring. I'm ashamed to admit that in the past I've been sucked into the maelstrom, but I'm learning to keep my lips buttoned.

I decided to start clamming up after I mentioned that the insulating blinds installed in my kitchen are causing a thick build up of ice to form at the bottom of the windows. The ice, and resulting water, are damaging the wooden sills.

I thought the blinds were an example of an incomplete understanding of how insulation interacts with water vapour in a home. Buildings are facing an increasing number of problems with black mould and I believe the causes are insulation and moisture combined with ignorance.

My statement found no agreement at the table. In fact the fellow beside me said I was failing to credit these new, insulating blinds with delivering great energy savings during hot, summer nights.

Soon I found that no matter what I said I was going to be contradicted. I felt like I was entering the world of Monty Python -- and I was right. I had entered the Argument Clinic.

Part of the pleasure of this sketch is derived from the undeveloped meta-argument put forth. Meta-argument: An argument about an argument.

Embracing the meta-argument position, one soon understands not even getting into an argument in some situations is the rational thing to do. More to the point, arguing strenuously with others whom have all gathered to enjoy a fine dinner is simply bad manners. (I hang my head in shame for my role in the minor dinner table brouhaha.)

Emily Post suggested on try to change the subject the minute a discussion feels like it is escalating into an argument. (Now, how do I get my friends to read this post?)

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Being rich isn't bad -- but being a leech is.

Kevin O'Leary has made a career out of pulling the chains of Canadians, especially those who watch CBC. Recently The Lang & O'Leary Exchange touched on an Oxfam report: Working for the Few. The report reveals that the 85 richest people on earth have a combined wealth equal to that of the entire bottom half of the world’s population. According to Oxfam: "Wealthy elites have co-opted political power to rig the rules of the economic game, undermining democracy."

O'Leary's unthinking, by rote response was to applaud the news. "What can be wrong with that," he asked. The small time business man, but big time self-promoter, went on to say it was wonderful to see this happening. It encourages people to work hard, to get ahead.

Mr. O'Leary doesn't seem to realize many of those in the third world already work damn hard. Many possibly harder than Mr. O'Leary. Millions of children in the Third World are Born To Work. This is the title of a book by GMB Akash, a Bangladeshi photographer.

It should be noted that the percentage of people living in dire poverty around the world has been declining over the past decades. It must also be noted that, contrary to O'Leary's statement, in countries with the greatest income inequality an expanding GDP does less to alleviate poverty than the same growth in a country with a more equal distribution of wealth.

Amanda Lang mocked O'Leary as she imitated a Third World worker getting up in the morning. I can get ahead, thinks the worker: "I just need to pull up my socks. Oh wait, I don't have any socks."

At least, Ms. Lang gets it. For instance, some 10,000 people, including over 2500 women and 1000 children, earn a living collecting stone and sand from the Piyain River in Bangladesh. The average wage is less than $2 US a day. Times may be tough for these folk while they are working but for four months a year it gets even worse. Work is suspended during the annual rainy season. Click on the link and check the pictures. Lang is right. Many of these workers don't have socks.

Monday, January 20, 2014

Falls from beds injure children

I'm a bit of a worrier, even my granddaughter thinks so. When she has a sleep-over at our home, I worry. The guest bed is about 80cm off the hardwood floor. That's a long drop in my estimation. We push the bed against the wall and then I insist that someone sleep with the 4-year-old, keeping her sandwiched between the wall and a sleeping adult (usually mommy.)

The other night the little girl slept over. She was excited. Sleep-overs are fun. She climbed onto the bed and rolled back and forth in glee. I moved in close to the edge of the bed, warning her that what she was doing was dangerous.The words were hardly out of my mouth when she had rolled too close to the edge of the bed. She was sliding off and could do nothing to stop it. Her face filled with fear -- and then relief. I had reached out and caught her in mid-air.

"Gaga!" You caught me!" This was not the first time I've been in the right place at the right moment to catch the very active little girl. I've been told that I can't always be there. This makes me smile. She won't always need me to be there. She's four. It won't be long until the falls will be, for the most part, out-grown. I'm not putting a six-year-old in a shopping cart seat.

But my relatives seem to be sending me an underlying message: She should fall. It would do her good. She'll  learn a lesson. Kids don't get hurt falling, I am always being assured. Kid are resilient. I'm not convinced.

It didn't take a lot of research to confirm my worst fear: The proportion of kids injured by short falls is small but the extent of the injuries among those children injured is major. Knowing the exact proportion of children injured is impossible. Children who are not harmed in any way are not taken to the hospital and therefore there is no record of these incidents. But among the relatively small number of children taken to emergency, the number of injuries is surprisingly large and the extent of the injuries frighteningly major.

In one study involving 104 children, there were eight skull fractures among those children who fell less than 60cm. When the child fell more than 60cm but less than 120cm, the number of skull fractures jumped to 23. When all factors were accounted for, the researcher concluded:

  • It is common for children to suffer fractures from falls.
  • Significant, but not life-threatening injuries, are common in short falls.
  • Children tumbling from low heights can suffer unexpectedly severe injuries.
  • The greater the height of the fall, the more common it is to suffer a skull fracture.

  • Stairs
  • Beds, especially bunk beds
  • Playground equipment
  • Shopping carts (Store floors are often hard, non-energy-absorbing surfaces)
  • Wooden floors are more dangerous than carpeted floors

One last, sad note. The figures may be skewed by child abuse. Sometime the injuries don't mesh with the details surrounding the incident and the care-givers are suspect. For this reason, I didn't go into too much detail with numbers and links, etc.

Source: Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Big isn't bad; Bad is bad.

When I was a boy jams, jellies, pickles and other assorted products were made by small, family-owned producers. Today, not so much.

When Heinz announced the closure of their plant in Leamington and Free Press columnist Larry Cornies wrote an apology for big business, I decided I had had enough. Cornies wrote about "The deal we make with them [Big Business] in the free-market system."

Cornies was wrong, in my opinion, about the deals we make but he did start me thinking. I don't want to make deals with big companies. Before Heinz announced the closure of its Leamington operation, I thought of Heinz as a pretty fair company with which to do business. Now that has all changed.

The headline above the Cornies column read: Answer lies in understanding, not boycotting. Cornies tells his readers to understand the pressures facing big business, to clearly understand the issues facing departing manufacturers — rather than reflexively boycotting certain brands.

I feel these companies are breaking the free-market deal I personally have with these businesses. Cornies may not agree but he sees the world differently than I do.

I'm not exactly boycotting big brand name food products, but I try not to buy them. Think of Kraft cheese. It's O.K. but I like Brights or Thornloe better. I always try to pick up some Brights Cheese when passing through Bright, Ontario, on the way to my sister's in Wellesley. Closer to home, I buy Thornloe cheese from Angelo's Italian Bakery and Market just a short drive from my London home. The Thornloe aged chedder is wonderful. Far more flavour than the Kraft product.

As I began writing this, I began wondering just whom I was supporting. I looked into the stories attached to a couple of the companies. I learned, Brights Cheese has a history going back to 1874 when a group of dairy farmers began working together to make cheese. Brights is still a cooperatives today.

Thornloe is also owned by a farmer-owned cooperative. Five years ago a global dairy producer, Parmalat, announced it was closing what is now the Thornloe operation. A local dairy farmer led the move to save the plant. Today some 3 million litres of milk runs through the plant annually.

I looked through my fridge and checked out the kitchen pantry. No Smucker's jams and jellies in my home. Smuckers bought Bick's pickles and moved production from Dunnville, Ontario, to Ohio. I now buy pickles made by Lakeside Packing Co. Ltd. located in Harrow, Essex County, Ontario. For a treat I love to pick up some Kosher dill pickles from Moishes Kosher Foods, Montreal.

It is interesting to note that to buy the Moishes I must go to Costco. Costco may be big but it is a fair employer. They pay their staff well and offer decent benefits. Do I have anything purchased from Walmart? No, I have nothing. Big is not necessarily bad. It is bad that is bad.

The truth is Mr. Cornies, we all make our own deals with Big Business. The deal that I have struck seems to be quite different from yours.

Sadly, all too often we are not given the option of not buying from Big Business. When I moved to London, kitchen ranges were still being made in town. Today I have no choice. My stove, fridge and dishwasher all come from Mexico.

The other truth, Mr. Cornies, is that all too often we do not make any deal with Big Business. Big Business dictates the terms and we have no choice but to go along with whatever is offered.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Urban sprawl: A worldwide problem

Homes, Isle of Wight, garages at front but off to the side. Google Street Views.

Sprawl is a global problem. Cars are popular the world over. Garages forward or off to the sides of a homes are everywhere. Years ago I was in Tunisia in a town on the edge of the Sahara desert. I saw a new home under construction. The home had a very traditional look, it fit right in with the older residences, except for one thing: It had a garage forward design with the garage jutting out from the home toward the street.

The continuing sprawl that surrounds London is sad but it is not unique. It is sadly all too common everywhere.

What is sad about London, and so many other towns throughout Southwestern Ontario, is that there are spots in the world that are experimenting with solutions to sprawl. These place are not common but there are a lot of them. Sadly, I know of no examples of London developers thinking way outside the box -- be it a fancy suburban box with its garage forward or a highrise box, a filing cabinet for people.

Friday, January 3, 2014

Warning: Insulated blinds can cause damage in winter

These blinds are causing condensation problems in an Ontario home.

When my wife and I bought new blinds for our kitchen, we bought ones which trapped a pocket of insulating air when lowered. This style of blind, ours are Duette by HunterDouglas, insulate our large kitchen windows when lowered each evening.

Thick ice at bottom of window after an extremely cold night.
By insulating the windows, the temperature of the inside surfaces of the kitchen window glass is now much colder than in previous winters. This is causing condensation to form at the bottom of each window. Last night the cold dropped into record low territory. In the morning we discovered condensation had turned into thick ice at the bottom of each kitchen window.

Some of the paint has already been damaged and is flaking off. The windows are almost thirty years old and are of the older wooden variety. They are not plastic. This constant soaking threatens to rot the wood surrounding the windows, especially the wooden sills. We may need replacement windows sooner than expected.

An unintended consequence of using insulating blinds is the condensation problem.

Homes are getting to be quite complicated. According to an architect I know, modern builders and renovators are not really up to speed on the pros and cons of the newly designed and redesigned stuff they are installing in homes. Water resulting from condensation is not just a problem on cold windows but often forms unnoticed deep within walls and ceilings, according to this architect.

"Keep the heat" in has become almost a mantra but the research, backed by good science, needed to accomplish that goal is sadly lacking. You may be keeping the heat in but also trapping structure damaging moisture at the same time. In many cases, "keep the heat in" should be accompanied by the words "let the moisture out."

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

A disease that needs no torquing

One of the world's most beautiful spots, the Orkney Islands, is Ground Zero for MS.

When I worked at the local paper I can recall one reporter getting into a heated discussion over the torquing a story. An editor at the top of the newsroom pecking order insisted the reporter rewrite a story to give it the expected, and now demanded, impact. This pumping up of a story was called torquing.

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is not a disease that needs to be torqued. Yet, this is exactly what a recent front page article in The London Free Press did. The reporter wrote:

It's a disease that strikes down adults at their prime -- and it's found Ground Zero in Canada.

Is the above true? Maybe; maybe not. There are those who would argue that the present Ground Zero, based on the latest figures, may be the Orkney Islands and the Shetland Islands off the north coast of Scotland. Studies of the island populations indicate an MS rate possibly as high as 402 per 100,000 inhabitants in the Orkney Islands. The Shetland Islands come in lower with only 295 per 100,000 but both rates are higher than Canada's reported rate of 291.

Declaring a country, especially a country as large as Canada, the global hot spot for MS is difficult. The disease is certainly all too prevalent in Canada but not uniformly so across the country. The frequency of occurrence varies across the country with folks in the Prairies suffering from MS at a rate running at about twice that of Canadians living in Quebec.

Why does the rate dip in Quebec only to rebound in Nova Scotia? Some theorize some of this may be the result of genes. The gene pool in Quebec is different that of the gene pool in Alberta.

Even the global Ground Zero for MS does not report a homogeneous rate for the small islands. According to Dr Wilson, of Edinburgh University’s Centre for Population Health Sciences, "We saw within Orkney and Shetland there were hotspots and cold spots. Some isles and parishes and villages had a much increased rate and in other parts there were hardly any residents who had it."

Damning Canada as the global Ground Zero for MS makes a good lede but a poor beginning for a story.

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Modified cattle prods and the media

News stories just don't appear — dropped by the news gods into a reporter's lap. Stories are created: structured, modeled, fashioned and polished . The best new stories have both a protagonist and an antagonist and they unfold, inverted pyramid style, to a satisfying climax. With the climax told, the conclusion can be cut wherever a page editor must in order to fit the story onto the page.

News folk will tell you their report, their story, is true. The reply to this is, "So?" True is not necessarily balanced. Nor is true necessarily compete.

Today the local paper, where I worked for more than three decades, ran a story reporting that the Province of Ontario has agreed to a $32.7 million settlement in a class-action lawsuit filed by residents of two now closed institutions for people with developmental handicaps: the Southwestern Regional Centre near Cedar Springs and the Rideau Regional Centre in Smith Falls.

The article rekindles memories of a long forgotten story in reporting:

Southwestern Regional Centre made headlines in the 1980s when it was revealed cattle prods were used on some patients, which advocates termed a form of "torture."

Torture at Cedar Springs: Now there is a good news story and sitting right on the door step of The London Free Press. Cedar Springs is on the distant southwestern edge of the newspaper's circulation area. With an important bureau office in Chatham and thus a reporter stationed in the immediate area, the revelations of claimed mistreatment at the mental health facility was big news.

This is the kind of story that sells papers, but was it true? Yes, it was true. Modified cattle prods were being used on residents. Was the story complete? No, I don't believe so. I know for a fact that some staff at the Cedar Springs facility would say, "Yes. The story, as reported, was true." But others would say, "No," and argue the story, as reported, was incomplete. In the past, I've heard institute staff go so far as to call the news reports inflammatory and inaccurate.

I recall stories from that period that never made it into the paper. These stories did not mesh with the thrust of the cattle prod hell-hole stories. Let me relate a couple of the stories editors ignored.

Living in an institute like Cedar Springs was not life-enriching for many of those living there. At one point it was decided to hold a food adventure party. Foods that many of the occupants rarely, if ever, sampled would be served. Some of these foods, were kept off the menu for good reason. They posed a choking danger to those residents for whom even eating was a struggle. These residents missed out on the pleasure of enjoying many foods of various flavours, temperatures and textures. And because some residents were denied these foods, other residents on the floor were often also denied access.

For the party extra staff were assigned to monitor the residents and watch for any problems. The staff, trained to handle choking situations, found the party stressful but it was a delight for residents. The alert staff prevented residents from stuffing filling their mouths with food. Thanks to the staff's watchfulness, there were no choking incidents at the party.

Another story involved a young boy afflicted with Down syndrome. His parents had decided it would be best if their young son was institutionalized. They brought the boy to Cedar Springs for evaluation.

After running a number of tests on the child the parents were told that, as difficult as it would be, the best thing for their little boy would be to remain at home. The professionals at Cedar Springs determined that the little boy was actually quite bright. Certainly as bright as a healthy five or six year old child. This little boy was bright enough to learn from his surroundings. Put him in a facility with severely developmentally challenged individuals and the little boy would learn how to fit in at the institute. He would grow up to act like the severely developmentally challenged individuals with whom he lived.

Kept him at home, in a healthy, loving atmosphere, surrounded and supported by family, he would learn social graces. He would grow up to be a functioning individual. He would function at the level of a bright child but he would function. The little boy was not institutionalized. His parents took him home.

As for the stories about cattle prods and torture, I don't want to say too much as the closing chapter for that story is still to be written. The newspaper story reports that the announced deal still requires court approval.

I don't know all the stories and I am sure there are some horror stories. But I do know there is another side to this story. I was told that most of the workers authorized to deliver shocks were themselves shocked. It was felt that those delivering shocks should have a full understanding of the pain involved. I talked with one young woman who worked at the facility who told me she had been given a shock, a painful jolt, and she never wanted to be touched with a prod again. Never.

Yet, she delivered shocks. Why? The residents she touched with the modified cattle prod were injuring themselves by pounding their heads on the hard floor. The options for protecting these residents were to physically restrain them, to lock them away in essentially a fully padded cell, to drug them into an almost comatose state or to try and modify their behaviour through the controlled application of a short but painful jolt of electricity.

Despite the news reports of cattle prods and torture in the regional centre near Chatham, the centre had not gone rogue. A surgeon does not stab or assault a patient with a deadly weapon, despite the use of  sharp blades. Mental health professionals are not engaged in torture despite the use of modified cattle prods.

Matthew Israel, the inventor of the Graduated Electronic Decelerator (DEG) used at the Judge Rotenberg Center (JRC) in Canton, Massachusetts — and only at the JRC — defended his use of painful electrical jolts to control behaviour:

Some individuals who are developmentally disabled or psychiatrically challenged display severe behavior problems such as eye-gouging to the point of blindness, skin gouging to the point of fatal blood and bone infection, biting off the tips of one’s fingers, pulling out one’s own teeth, etc. These problems require rapid and effective treatment.

Boston Magazine in an article, The Shocking Truth, looked at the use of the DEG at the JRC in Massachusetts. The reporter wrote: "Spend enough time around the machine and it will test everything you know about right and wrong." In 2008, at the time the article was written, the writer wrote: "Some Massachusetts legislators who’ve filed bills this year to limit the use of the machine call it "barbaric" and the school "like Abu Ghraib"."

If you've got the time, read the Boston Magazine article by Paul Kix. The first four pages can be tough. You will believe you are reading about sanctioned torture and you might partially be right. But on page five you will encounter P. J. Biscardi.

At age three, P.J. was diagnosed with autism. One summer, while Peter [P.J.'s dad] drove the family to Cape Cod, P.J. grabbed his father’s hair and pulled it out, blood smearing the upholstery. Peter and his wife, Maureen, had to lock everything in their house in Burlington — drawers, file cabinets, anything that could be opened — so P.J., then maybe all of 10, wouldn’t destroy the place. Or kill himself. But it didn’t matter: P.J. was violent.

P.J. was violent, and P.J. was curious. One year, at a holiday meal with the extended family, P.J. sneaked into the bathroom and sipped Drano. Drano. Maureen had never yelled louder in her life. They rushed him to the hospital, where doctors announced, mercifully, that P.J. had only suffered chemical burns.

Another time, P.J. took one of Peter’s razor blades to his arms. "Hurt, hurt," he said, when Maureen saw the blood-soaked towel. P.J. was known to ram his body into the walls; you’ve never see a linebacker hit a wall with such force, Peter says. He tipped out dresser drawers, knocked over shelves of books. P.J. bit himself so much that a giant callus formed on the skin between his thumb and wrist, growing larger every time he drew fresh blood.

The Biscardis’ other children, an older sister and younger brother, never wanted their friends over. . . . The school district didn’t want P.J. The Biscardis couldn’t keep him at home. So they tried four treatment centers. At the last place, the drugs temporarily stunted P.J.’s growth. He was 12. Peter wasn’t comfortable with the level of medication, especially since the drugs didn’t seem to do much to keep the kid calm. The school’s doctor told Peter, "If you don’t increase the dose, we’re not going to keep him here."

Today, after three decades living at JRC, P. J. Biscardi's callus on his hand has long ago disappeared. After P.J. makes a visit to the family home, the house is in the same shape it was when he arrived. And no locked cabinets.

To be fair, DEG is not modified cattle prod therapy but only a cousin of the Ontario approach. In learning more about the history of what was done in Ontario, one will encounter the late O. Ivar Lovaas. This is the man often credited with being the father of cattle prod therapy.

Early in his career, Lovaas used modified cattle prods to deliver electric shocks to autistic children in an attempt to modify their behaviour. He later renounced the method and adopted the positive approaches in keeping with B.F. Skinner's theories on how to modify and reinforce behavior. Lovaas took advantage of food treats and activity rewards and ceased the application of painful punishment.

About 20 years after Lovaas distanced himself from his own modified cattle prod therapy, Anderson Cooper of CNN reported on a family who supported the jolting of their autistic son with 4500 volts. Cooper wrote about this on his blog: Parents seek shock treatment for son.

The CNN reporter told viewers that in 2006 the state of Illinois outlawed the use of electric shock treatment in group homes and community facilities. The parents of one child who could no longer be shocked sued the group home where their son lived. They hoped to force the home to bring back the modified cattle prod. Their son's life had deteriorated without the prod. The courts tossed the case out because the treatment was now illegal.

No matter where you stand on the electric shock treatment delivered in the closed Ontario centres, I believe you would have a difficult time proving the treatment was torture. You might be able to find examples of residents who were not helped by the therapy but then experts only claim success in about half the cases. And this, of course, is where it gets sticky. Shocking people who are not helped may very well injure them instead, leave them greatly distressed. I am not surprised that some former residents launched legal actions.

The big story here might NOT be the almost $33 million settlement. Nor is the big story the occasional use of modified cattle prods to modify behavior. The story might be that the Province of Ontario has closed about 16 costly facilities and yet is short of cash to assist families now forced to cope with mentally challenged sons and daughters.

I've read that each residential spot in an institute cost the government at least $100,000 a year and there were thousands and thousands of residents. As a society we seem to have shifted much of the burden of caring for these former residents from the province to the affected families. In many cases the province has foisted day to day responsibilities onto the mentally challenged themselves. Again, this isn't all bad, but it isn't all good either. Although some of the former residents have fared very poorly outside the centres, others have not only survived outside the centres but flourished. As I said, it is no big surprise that some former residents took legal action.

The practice of openly excluding the mentally challenged from society has ended, to be replaced all too often with the insidious act of quietly socially excluding this group. What some of these challenged individuals and their families face today is but another form of, forgive the word, torture.

Saturday, December 21, 2013


For some of us there is nothing like a little heart problem to add spice to life. Note, it is important that the problem be little. If it is too big, it is all consuming. That's not good. The goal is NOT to be worried about dying but to feel driven to live, to savour the linked moments we call life.

If you have followed my blog, you will know that my granddaughter, an anglaise, is enrolled in a French public school. This is not a French immersion school, a school for English children whose parents want them to speak French. This is a French school for French children.

My granddaughter seems to be getting by. The school has had no complaints about her work. I believe the school is being very supportive of her efforts. Still, I worry. I feel driven to learn a little French, to chat with my granddaughter in the language she uses at school. I want the French fabric that is her school life to be frayed a little and for threads of French to find their way into her homelife, too.

To this end I have been watching French television (mostly TV5) and reading French news stories. A new world has enveloped me. The fabric of French culture is a rich weave with lots of threads loose along its edges.

Which bring me to Joe le Taxi — a song that is among the top one hundred best-selling singles of all time in France. It is also claimed to have been number one in Canada. Are you surprised? I am. Clearly, it was a big hit in Quebec. And clearly I have not been aware of the French threads that reach into Canada but get cleanly cut at the Quebec border.

Joe le Taxi is about a black taxi driver in Paris who knows the City of Lights very well. If it's a great little bar you seek, Joe's your man. A rum drinking, saxaphone playing dude, Joe is cool on the outside with a hot passion for Latin music on the inside.

How did I find the thread that led to the discovery of this song? TV5 and a story about Vanessa Paradis. This French singer-model-actress had a fourteen year relationship with American actor Johnny Depp. This connection makes her fodder for a news machine pumping out stories for an anglais audience.

Paradis was only fourteen when she recorded Joe. Today, in her forties, she has a fourteen year old daughter of her own, Lily-Rose, who is now evolving into an artist. Her daughter already shares a writing credit with mom and another woman, a close family friend. Lily-Rose co-wrote Love Songs with them after coming up with the melody eight years earlier when she was only six.

Paradis is attempting to foster creativity in her children, she also has young son. Paradis is surrounding the two with creative people who will lead by inspired example. Paradis is filling her children's lives with threads — creative threads.

Life is made up of threads, billions of threads. We all follow threads. It is the way life works. These threads, an uncountable number, are interwoven into the fabric we call culture. I'm hoping this learning of French will encourage my granddaughter to follow threads which lead deep into the cultural tangle that is Canada than I have ever gone. I hope taking French will be inspirational for my developing granddaughter.

Too many Americans and Canadians wear large, thick cultural blinders. Many Yanks cannot get past the "greatest country in the world" hollow boast. Talk of anything outside the United States makes their eyes glaze over. I do not want my granddaughter to be trapped in a cultural straight jacket.

If a young Vanessa Paradis, barely a teen, singing a charming, little piece of pop music seems a fragile thread on which to anchor an interest in French culture, you'd be right. It is very fine thread. And yet, if you follow it, if you allow it to gently pique your interest, you will find your self travelling deeper and deeper into French pop culture.

You may find yourself immersed in French techno pop music experiencing songs like Vive la fete, Bananasplit, or Laurent Garnier, Flashback. I have followed those threads in the past thanks to a woman who was not a small thread but a large swath of wonderfully patterned cloth in my life: My mother.

In her eighties, cruising from channel to channel one evening, searching for something of interest on television, my mother chanced upon an open-air concert by Jean Michel Jarre recorded in Paris. She loved the concert, the music and the light show accompanying it. We followed the JMJ thread and found it led us to Charlotte Rampling, an English actress and his second wife. This new thread connected us with The Night Porter, a difficult movie from the '70s with Dirk Bogarde. Bogarde was one of my mother's favourite actors. The movie was not.

Threads: Life is composed of threads. The threads we follow lead us deep into the fabric we call life. Threads hold never ending interest. We pass threads from the old to the young, from the young to the old, and from the dying to the newborn. Look about, find a thread, follow it. Live!