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Monday, April 11, 2011

These should never see a landfill. Never!

Note steam sealing lip on decades-old Lifetime cookware.
My wife just inherited some stainless steel cookware: Lifetime brand.

I took one look at this stuff and told her, "This cookware is better than your Paderno." My wife disagreed. Her stainless steel cookware is marketed as "Paderno: Pots for eternity." She pointed out that this stuff only promises to last a lifetime.

Whatever, the point is that both companies made promises they could keep; Stainless steel pots can last indefinitely. The only thing that can immediately shorten the life of a stainless steel pot is extreme heat. Twist the heat control to max on your range and you run the risk of overheating your pot. If our stove's maximum element setting was half of what it is now, I'd be happy; And our pots would be happy.

With all the talk of green, let's hear it for well-make stainless steel pots. Buy 'em once and use 'em thousands of times. Take care of 'em and hand 'em down from generation to generation. And if the next generation doesn't want 'em, sell 'em. I figure the full set that my wife inherited would fetch at least a hundred dollars if she decided to sell. (She gave them to a friend.)

Lifetime cookware was originally made by West Bend out of Wisconsin. The West Bend company was known for quality and so it is not surprise that the Lifetime brand originated with them. Today the cookware is still being made in the United States but now it is Regal making the famous West Bend, Wisconsin, line.

So what makes the Lifetime so good. The weight, the multi-ply construction, the quality of stainless steel and the design --- the heavy lids sit in a groove to trap steam. Their handles are their weakness. Paderno handles are stainless steel and spot welded to the pots and lids. On the plus side for Lifetime, the handles are still readily available for even these decades old pots. Still, I like the durability of the Paderno solution.

So what is the best cookware? Neither. Try Teknika by Silga out of Italy. This stuff is carried by David Mellor Design. (I got an email from a chap in British Columbia who also carries the Silga line. Here is a link to his Tuscan Kitchen in Victoria, BC.) This is beautiful cookware built for professional cooks. Heavy, high quality, stainless steel construction, multi-ply bottoms, fashionable stainless steel handles spot-welded to never loosen, and steam-sealing lid rims. Perfect.

My wife and I own one and it the best. One of her favorite chicken dishes, is started over a stove top element and moved to the oven to finish. When done, the pot always cleans up very easily. Although I do finish with a dab of stainless steel cleaner. I like the added shine.

The thing is, with just a little care, there is no reason for any of these products to ever end up in a landfill. (Our Paderno is now approaching three decades of constant use.)

We have a Teknika frying pan; It is a fave with expert cooks using our kitchen.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Look at my shadow! I'm a big girl!

Fiona thinks she is a big girl. She is 19-months going on 19 years. This is probably not quite true. I never had children of my own and so I'm just so surprised at the all the thinking that clearly goes on in young heads.

This is Fiona's first spring. This is her first foray into the outside world on her own two feet. And Fiona is quite enchanted with the world she is discovering. She can't get enough of the outside.

Yesterday I was doing the dishes and Fiona wandered out of the kitchen and into the front hallway. I could hear her puttering about and wondered what she was up to. Before I could dry my hands and take a look, Fiona appeared carrying my large coat. That coat is bigger than she is but she carried through the kitchen and handed it right to me. I knew what was up. She wanted to go outside.

I dried my hands and started putting on my coat when Fiona appeared again. This time she was carrying my shoes. I put them on, but before I could lace them up she was back. This time carrying my camera bag.

I slipped the camera bag strap over my shoulder and looked down to see Fiona. She was holding out my house keys. The kid's amazing.

Content that I had everything, Fiona waited patiently by the front door for my assistance in getting her into her coat and shoes.

19-months and she already knows enough to make sure granddad has his house keys. Like I said, "The kid's amazing."

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Now I'm getting spam!

I called the ad questionable and wondered why newspapers don't treat their advertising business with more respect. Advertising is how newspapers make money. Accepting questionable ads, and often placing them in prominent positions in the newspaper and on the companion Website, lessens the value of the newspaper ad franchise.

As I wrote in the previous post,

"The ad prominently displaced on the opening screen of The London Free Press Web page read, "View your credit score now". Just go to Free Credit Reports in Canada. It was clear this was a free service; There was no charge."

Well, I did go and I'm sorry. I worked through a number of screens but when asked for my credit card number I stopped. Today I got my first spam from these Free Credit Report people.

It makes me feel very uneasy that one of the companies that tracks our credit history and rates our credit worthiness may be behind this. You see, credit reports are free in Canada, if you don't count the cost of the stamp and business envelope necessary to send in a request for the information on file. To find out how to obtain a copy of your credit records for free, see my last post.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Questionable ads question a newspaper's integrity.

The ad prominently displaced on the opening screen of The London Free Press Web page read, "View your credit score now". Just go to Free Credit Reports in Canada. It was clear this was a free service; There was no charge.

Interested, I clicked; I got a screen asking for my name, complete address plus e-mail. This seemed reasonable. How else could they provide my credit score? Reasonable or not, I balked. I noticed the name TransUnion in the top right of the screen.

I googled "TransUnion" and discovered this was a major player in the credit reporting business in Canada. The other company is Equifax Canada. I also came across a CBC News in Depth report: "Checking your credit rating".

The first thing I learned from the CBC was that credit reports are free:

"You can ask for a free copy of your credit report by mail. . . . Complete details on how to order credit reports are available online." (Here are the links: TransUnion and Equifax Canada.)

So, what's up with the whole Free Credit Reports in Canada stuff? What's with the ad on The London Free Press Web site? Before continuing, I decided to do a little googling. I found a post on the blog Moo's virtual world: Privacy Protection Plus is a fraud. This privacy protection name was a new wrinkle, but interested I read on:

I read the blogger's post and then scanned the comments:

"I renewed my classmates.com account using my Visa. . . . 1st mistake. I don't recall being asked about any Privacy Protection or 24-hour Assistance. Just received this months bill and that I was being billed 19.95 for Privacy Proctection and another 19.95 for 24-hour Assistance. I called my credit card comp and they couldn't help me as it is Sunday. I tried contacting the company Privacy Proctection and again they are closed. I can't go online cuz I don't have a username and password. . . . what a scam. . . . I tried contacting Classmates and that was hopeless. I am not impressed with their underhanded techniques. How dare they allow another company to have access to my personal info and especially my credit card info? . . . ya I am PO'd and will be dealing with this first thing in the morning. Then I will be canceling my credit card.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Yes, sex can kill you, study shows

"Yes, sex can kill you." This downer news comes from a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association.

I learned about the study from my daily paper. Essentially the paper reported:

When people with heart problems are having sex, they are 2.7 times more likely to have a heart attack. Sudden bursts of moderate to intense physical activity — such as sex — pose a significant risk of heart attack.

Having recently undergone a heart related operation, I can say something is missing from the newspaper report. Sex, per se, is not dangerous; It's sex with a twist, and I don't mean lime! Don't pass on the sex, just hold the spice.

When it comes to sexual activity for heart patients, the following are some of the warnings I've come across on the Internet since my operation:

  • Only have sex with your usual partner to minimize heart-racing tension. Paid partners add even more stress. (Just think: Charlie Sheen. Need I say more?)
  • Keep to the tried and true. The usual oh-so-comfortable positions are the least stressful. In fact, they can be downright relaxing.
  • It is safest to have sex in your usual setting. For instance, refrain from having sex in hot showers. Steamy sex is stressful sex. ;-)
  • Don't downplay foreplay; Think of it as the proper warm-up for the big game. We don't speak of sexual athletes for nothing. And just like other athletes, sexual ones often perform better on drugs. But unlike other athletes some of these drugs are recommended. For instance, if one takes nitroglycerin to prevent chest pain, take it before sexual activity. And if you are competing with someone who is not your usual partner, you may have to stop and take more while competing.
  • Get some rest before hand. Morning is an ideal time for sexual activity. Remember the old line from Playboy: "Shall I call you in the morning, or just nudge you?" Nudging is safer, at least, if it is your usual nudge.
  • Speaking of your usual nudge, masturbation requires less energy than intercourse.
  • And whatever you do, choose a position that does not put stress on your breastbone (sternum) if you have just had open heart surgery. Those patients should stay clear of the partner-sternum-superior position.

Jessica Paulus, a Tufts Medical Center in Boston researcher who worked on the study, said the risk found is fairly high but the period of increased risk is brief.

"The period of increased risk is brief"? Damn! The bad news just keeps on coming.


Monday, March 21, 2011

Into the fog: The London Free Press series on Canadian health care

Into the fog might be an apt title for The Free Press series.

There is a battle raging over information. I am NOT referring to the battle between the Main Stream Media (MSM) and bloggers but the war being waged over how we, the readers, process the information we read in either the MSM or in the blogosphere.

An article, Out of the fog, in The London Free Press is an excellent example. In the old days, I'd have read this article and have either believed it or not. Those were the two choices. But today there is a third choice..

Thanks to the Internet, the moment I read something I question I turn to Google. Depending upon what I learn, I may write a blog post. If I am really offended and want to warn others, I post to Digital Journal. I did this with a story about a St. Catherines man who died in Costa Rica of complications from a controversial multiple sclerosis (MS) treatment (CCSVI). 

The London Free Press and reporter Randy Richmond recently seemed to promote CCSVI with an article featuring Paolo Zamboni, the Italian doctor behind the controversial treatment:

"Zamboni believes MS is a vascular, not auto-immune condition. A narrowing of veins -- chronic cerebrospinal venous insufficiency (CCSVI) — is prevalent in MS patients and can be treated by a simple surgical procedure — angioplasty — that widens the veins. The procedure is also known as liberation therapy."

The Free Press article introduced us to a local woman suffering from MS. She found it impossible to have the highly suspect surgical procedure done in Ontario. Richmond tells the reader, "She tried to talk to her neurologist about liberation therapy. He dismissed Zamboni's work."

What Richmond, a Free Press crack investigative reporter, doesn't tell us is "Zamboni himself admits his research lacks scientific rigour: his sample was small; there was no control group. Two studies in the Annals of Neurology have refuted his findings." Source: Macleans.

The following is from the Skepticblog. It is from a post called CCSVI - The Importance of Replication

"We have two independent replications of Zamboni’s research published in the latest issue of the Annals of Neurology – and both are completely negative. The first is a German study by Florian Doepp et al, using ultrasound to test the CCSVI criteria in 56 MS patients and 20 controls. They found almost completely negative results (one MS patient met one criterion, but not the others) – no signs of venous blockage in the MS patients.

The second study is a Swedish study . . .  – not yet available online. This study used MRI scanning to assess blood flow in the internal jugular vein in 21 MS patients and 20 controls, and also found no difference."

I am reprinting the last paragraph from the Skepticblog article as author Steven Novella puts it so well:

"I do wish that the media and public would learn the more general lesson here – new dramatic ideas in science, especially those that seem to go against established knowledge, are likely to turn out to be wrong when the dust settles. It is partly the job of the skeptical community to provide cultural memory of such events – so the next time a lone scientist or doctor claims to have made a revolutionary breakthrough that seems a bit dubious, it is the skeptics who will be there to say – remember Zamboni."

As I pointed out in a previous post, when it comes to the Canadian medical system, "One must admit, our system has problems." Out of the Fog was part of a London Free Press series on the shortcomings of our healthcare system. Sadly, this article did little to enlighten anyone and may well have done damage. I've have already stumbled upon links to the Richmond series on American, right-wing, anti-Obamacare, websites. They see the Richmond series as a damning indictment of the Canadian health care system.


CBC Radio reported in December, 2017, that Dr. Zamboni concluded the therapy he devised is a "largely ineffective technique; [and] the treatment cannot be recommended in patients with MS."

It turns out the London woman was given excellent advice by her doctors. And they were not alone. Doctors around the world dismissed Zamboni's work. Read: Liberation therapy: the 'wave of complications' breaks in Macleans. Going out of the country for a medical treatment not offered in Canada can be dangerous. There may be very good reasons why a procedure is not offered in Canada. If you want to know more, read this article in the Montreal Gazette.

Or read this article in The Globe and Mail that tells us: there is " . . . a growing body of evidence that suggests that they [patients] are wasting their time and their money – and perhaps putting their lives in danger."

Or read an alert issued by the FDA in the States on potential dangers of unproven treatments for multiple sclerosis.

If you are personally suffering from MS and no hope is offered, it is quite understandable that you might turn to liberation therapy for an answer.

The London woman in the article has stated that the CCSVI therapy she has undergone at her own expense was actually less expensive than the drug therapy being offered. In cases like this, where the person is adamant to have the therapy and the cost is actually a savings to the Canadian medical system, maybe the government should consider covering the costs of out-of-country medical treatment.

This remark, of course, is a little flippant as there are moral issues that must be resolved: Is it ethical to send someone out of the country for highly questionable treatment because the patient wants it and the treatment promises to save the Canadian medical system money?

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Time to revisit LHSC panel discussion on state of Canadian health care

When just a little girl, my daughter asked her mother, "Mom, what's a bum-ticker?" She had heard that Crusty the Clown on the Simpsons might be dropped from the show because of his "bum-ticker." She placed the accent on "bum."

As a man with a "bum-ticker" who is still alive today thanks to the Canadian health care system, I give our system a thumbs up. But it doesn't get two thumbs up, or rate a ten, or top out in whatever scale of measurement you use. One must admit, our system has problems.

Dr. Nick Kates speaking at the LHSC discussion.
It was almost exactly a year ago that a blue-ribbon panel of doctors was assembled for an interactive panel discussion at University Hospital in London, Ontario. The panel, sponsored by the student Medical Reform Group at the Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry at the University of Western Ontario was composed of: Dr. Jeff Turnbull , president-elect of the Canadian Medical Association; Dr. Robert McMurtry, former special advisor to the Canadian Royal Commission on the Future of Health Care in Canada; Dr. Nick Kates, Ontario lead for the Quality Improvement and Innovation Partnership, and Dr. Debby Copes, the quality advisor for the Choice in Health Clinic in Toronto.

Dr. Robert McMurtry, the dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry at the University of Western Ontario from 1992 to 1999, set the tone of the evening as he explained why he believes in the Canadian health caresystem.

He told the story of two lawyers: one his father and the other his brother, the late Bill McMurtry, a tireless crusader for social justice and author of the 1974 McMurtry Report on Violence in Hockey.

His father, Roy McMurtry senior, had had rheumatic heart disease and was unable to buy medical insurance. When his father suffered a stroke in the early '50s, in the days before medicare, McMurtry senior was left financially crippled by the mounting medial expenses.

Years later, when his brother Bill was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer, Bill considered leaving Canada for treatment. He searched broadly outside the country but discovered the care being "offered in Toronto was as good as it gets."

Robert McMurtry and the other three panelists all firmly believe in publicly funded health care. Yet there is increasing pressure in Canada to expand the role of the private-sector in health care, he said.

Dr. Jeff Turnbull
According to Dr. Jeff Turnbull, chief of staff, Ottawa Hospital, when it comes to health care in Canada there is "an elephant in the room", and that elephant is cost. He said health care costs make up more than 40 percent of the Ontario government’s total program spending and could hit 50 percent.

McMurtry added that although these percentages do not tell the whole story they do grab headlines. Reporters love these numbers.

The answer is not more private-sector involvement, according to Dr. Debby Copes who cited a McMaster University study: "There's a lot of evidence that shows private for-profit health care costs more and has poorer outcomes (compared to publicly funded systems)." There was a great deal of support for Copes' position on the panel.

Whether the approach is public or private, both must face the same problems — such as an aging population. According to Kates, "The problems are there, and will be there, no matter what."

With a public system, "We are all in the same lifeboat. There is more incentive to make it work."

On the positive side, there are many examples of the public system learning to do what McMurtry was suggesting — "innovate or perish." We not only have to do better than we are doing now, we can do better.

An example of what McMurtry was suggesting is the trauma, emergency and critical care (TECC) program at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre in north-central Toronto. The centre is well know for its dedication to innovative, quality care.

Or look to the activity-based funding being championed by Alberta Health Services. "They found they could do it faster, cheaper and better. That should be our model." There is so much we could do better than we do now, McMurty continued.

This was a theme that ran through the presentations of all the panelists. Canadians must get more bang for the their health care buck. We must use our existing resources more efficiently.

All agreed it won’t be easy for the Canadian health system to regain its social justice mojo which was front and centre at its birth those many decades ago. Over the passing years a fiscal agenda has pushed aside the service agenda.

The panel took an aggressive stance when it came to change. "We have to think differently, better, smarter," according to Turnbull. He went on to show how "it can be done." He spoke proudly of Ottawa Inner City Health Inc., rattled off a long list of programs offered, and then added the kicker: "It saves $3.5 million annually."

Wrapping up the night, Kates made it clear the health care system must embrace change but within a social justice framework. He said: " 'Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.' Albert Einstein."

Dr. Debby Copes
Copes smiled and added: " 'Without deviation from the norm, progress is not possible': Frank Zappa."

After the panel discussion, Dr. Jeff Turnbull, chief of staff Ottawa Hospital, I asked about the furor over the Premier of Newfoundland, Danny Williams, travelling to Florida for heart surgery.

Turnbull was not going to be drawn into commenting but he did say, on the record, there is no long queue of patients awaiting cardiac surgery at Ottawa Hospital where minimally invasive surgery is among the offered surgical procedures.

(We now know Williams' surgery did not go as smoothly as anticipated. The operation took hours longer the originally planned because of unforeseen problems encountered in the repair of Williams' valve. His stay in the Miami hospital was about twice as long as that of many patients who have the full, traditional, sternum cutting, surgery. I am not adding this to knock the Miami hospital. I am just mentioning this to complete the story.)
A note in passing: The London Free Press, part of the Sun Media chain owned by Quebecor Media Inc., was not able to cover this important panel discussion. Why? My guess is that staffing cutbacks left the paper short staffed and unable to attend. Sad.